Unveiling the Wonders of Our Waterways: An Interview with Kristie Corrigan of Florida Water Warriors!

Have you ever wondered how to spark a love for the environment in young minds? Look no further than Florida Water Warriors, a non-profit organization on a mission to cultivate environmental literacy through captivating experiences.
In this interview, we chat with Kristie Corrigan, the Educational Director at Florida Water Warriors, to dive deep into their innovative approach to environmental education.
Florida Water Warriors
Before we unpack this interview between our own Kristie Corrigan and Anne Schindler; host of First Coast Connect, first let me introduce to you Florida Water Warriors.
Florida Water Warriors is the affiliated non-profit organization of Florida Water Tours. The amazing crew behind the organization, Jessica Jadick, Kristie Corrigan and Kevin Jadick make it possible for children K-12 to become aspiring scientists who actually make a difference in the community while learning! Even if the children have no interest in marine biology, after spending time with Florida Water Warriors, their eyes will sparkle with curiosity!
Unpacking Environmental Literacy
Corrigan defines environmental literacy as an umbrella term encompassing various scientific disciplines. Through their field trips, Florida Water Warriors transform students and adults into citizen scientists, venturing out onto the captivating waterways of St. Augustine.
Learning by Doing: A Hands-on Approach
The program offers a unique blend of observation and experimentation. Participants get to observe dolphins and a variety of birdlife, all while actively participating in water quality testing. The collected data is even shared with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), contributing valuable insights to marine science research.
Bridging the Gap: Access for All
Florida Water Warriors recognize that access to waterways can be limited. To ensure inclusivity, they rely on fundraising and partnerships. A portion of the proceeds from public dolphin cruises offered by their partner, Florida Water Tours, directly supports educational outreach. Additionally, they provide financial aid for transportation and even offer free field trips to underprivileged groups.
Beyond the Boat: Expanding the Reach
The Florida Water Warrior dedication doesn’t stop at boat trips. Outreach programs are another key element. This year, they brought their expertise to the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, providing a unique sensory experience for the students.
Collaboration is Key
Corrigan emphasizes the importance of collaboration within the environmental community. The Florida Water Warriors crew work closely with other non-profits like Fish Island and the Guana Tolomato Matanzas Riverkeeper, fostering a united front for environmental protection.
Breaking Down Barriers: Cultivating a Connection
One of the biggest challenges, Corrigan highlights, is overcoming the pervasiveness of plastics in our daily lives. The solution? Immersing participants in the beauty of the natural world, sparking a passion for protecting it. Simple actions like using plant-based cleaning products or organizing neighborhood cleanups can make a big difference.
A Personal Journey: From Educator to Field Trip Leader
Corrigan’s background as a seasoned educator with a Master’s degree in Education fuels her passion. Witnessing the transformative power of these field trips led her to transition from curriculum design to leading expeditions herself.
Engaging Young Minds: The Secret Sauce
When asked about connecting with students, Corrigan emphasizes engagement. Seeing wild dolphins up close is a guaranteed hook! Our social media platforms showcase the infectious excitement of students encountering these majestic creatures. Additionally, aligning their curriculum with Florida’s science standards ensures continuity with classroom learning.
Where to Learn More
To learn more about Florida Water Warriors and their captivating field trips, head over to the website: FloridaWaterWarriors.org.
By fostering environmental literacy and a deep appreciation for our waterways, Florida Water Warriors is empowering future generations to become stewards of our planet.
Check out the full video interview between Kristie Corrigan (Florida Water Warriors) and Anne Schindler (First Coast Connected).